Swirls in the Glass Marble

Twisted tendrils of myriad hues bound and fated to dance about each other in clear and serene stillness: Yellow, Red, Green, Violet, Blue and many other of their brothers and sisters acting as heralds to those funny and wondrous thoughts that I find colourful.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Give me liberty! Or at least give me something to do...

Aw... You came back!^^ I know you were going to come back eventually, so I made this just for you. (Please don't run away...)
Trux the politician? I believe that was one comment in my last blog which I took a particular interest in, although only a couple words long. But even then, it was a profound idea that shook the very pillars of the kingdom of my imagination, which so resides in the itsy-bitsy universe inside my head. Pretty dramatic, eh? Anyway, back on track. Taking within my hands the weighty decisions that would effect the lives of literally millions of people is something to be proud of, though in my most recent case, it is something that also unnerves me. Perhaps it should be explained in an outline. So I'll give you this instead...
Point 1: Incompetence - I know, I know... Of all people, should I even be jeering toward this particular subject? Not that I'm saying that incompetant people govern the lives of thousands or maybe millions of people (cries in a little corner), but I have witnessed the labors of those who perform within those positions with a little bit of old fashioned skepticism. It truly makes me wonder how there is even room for that kind of behavior and execution, though I suppose it gives a little hope to everybody that anybody is capable of doing anything. But just saying, it's unnerving when your sitting in the car with some newly introduced associates when they're singing, "Go green light! Go green light! Stupid Honda! I love doughnuts!" and take them seriously. I'm serious... That was how the song went. You won't be seeing me do that... again.
Point 2: Indifference - You just don't care, do you? For those people who aren't being seeped in their own 'point 2,' I would like to say that this is a diffinite problem for a lot of people. To imagine that they're are people who care to a certain extent, usually for those indifferent people caring more about their ambitions than others, it is a scary thing to imagine such characters in office, governing the weighty decisions of our lives in a group sense. Unfortunately, I think people mix the terms indifference with impartiality too much. Indifference, I don't care. Impartiality, I understand what your saying but these are my interests and I'm sticking to them. A little vague and glorified is the second, but it is a risk I'm willing to take to stress that it is nice to have impartial people in the world. Thanks to those humble ones too.
Point 3: Ostentatious Presentation - Guile is a neat thing... It's attractive, it's smooth, but it's also misleading. Hedging around certain issues is something that the uppers, so I try and respectfully call them, have to be masters at. A little crisis, the things were worried about the most? Nah, dont' worry. They're cool about it. Makes you wonder after a while how cool a person can be while being honest... Perhaps stretching it all out a little to make what little you give fit? Even plastic wrap breaks after you stretch it far enough. Try and use a little tact instead of stretching it all out. A little tact goes a long way.
Point 473: I made signs... The exciting thing I did as a political supporter is I made signs. Maybe around 600 signs. (sighs) Nobody likes spam... It's hard to swallow, it's unattractive, you can always find something better and nobody really likes it but those people who make it. (Sorry, but it's really gross.) So why in the world would people push their logic to the brink to find an excuse to accept it? Many people have their reason, I can understand that. But for those other people, go out and find the juicier parts of life. Find those issues, study the problems and become a scholar unto yourself so that you can make a proper decision when you need to... Or just sit around and play World of Warcraft all day. To tell the truth, I'm impartial to it.^^


  • At 9:42 AM, Blogger David said…

    truxton the activist for social justice?


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