Addicted to Love - Finally Another Post
It's been about a week... I've been sitting at my computer at home and on the internet at work being a big geek as usual. But what's different about me this time?
I've been exercising, I've been dressing sharply, I've been bobbing my head to music and I've been absolutely saturated in artistic ideas... There's only two explainations for something like this when it happens.
#1 - My very existence is being threatening and I have a prelife or midlife crisis, choosing whether I actually have a life at all to begin with.
#2 - Your uptight and eccentric local Trux is involved with somebody in a romantic capacity. (AKA - I have a boyfriend.)
Being how I've essentially dried up my fear and self loathing with my trip to Canada, it can only be the second of the two which makes me infinitely happier than going with the first option.^^ Ever since my mind as been infatuated with the idea of having a person to love, my mind as been kicking into gear and more things have been getting done! I wish the spectrum of my motivation wasn't so bipolar, but I can certainly say that I've finally reached the other end of the line after a certain someone used me as a chair in a java based role-playing chat room.
That being said, I'm full to bursting with plans and ideas for months to come, no matter what lies ahead for me to deal with! I say bring it on and I'll wriggle out of it and soon conquer another traumatizing experience in my life. ^_^ Those who hang around with me, you've been warned... My ego has boosted about 40%, so beware my hubris and just smile plus nod. Kay?!
(Oh... To my friends I haven't seen in about a week for some reason or another, give me a freaking call so we can go do something for gawd's sake! I don't care whether it's playing D&D, traveling to Mo-Town, running up and down the field screaming or anything that would be more animated than sitting around all day on our computers! Seriously, I suggest we experience our twenties and act stupid for a change.)
P.S. - I love you Ark!^^
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